March 15, 2024
1. Adjustments to Handling Serious Wrongdoing in the Congregation (S-395): A new document entitled Adjustments to Handling Serious Wrongdoing in the Congregation is available in the “Forms” section of the “Documents” tab on JW Hub. An elders’ meeting will be held within the next week to review the direction provided in this document. In addition, the circuit overseer will review this material with the elders during his next visit to the con- gregation.
1. Announcement for Congregations: Please ensure that the announcement for congre- gations is read at the next congregation meeting by an elder who is a good reader. There- after, the announcement should be posted on the information board for at least one month.
2. Midweek Meeting Part on 2024 Governing Body Update #2: Please ensure that the adjustments made to the meeting schedule in connection with the video 2024 Governing Body Update #2 are announced to the congregation. Encourage family heads to include in their family worship a review of any meeting part that will be replaced.
3. Adjustments to Handling Serious Wrongdoing in the Congregation (S-395): Please arrange for the body of elders to meet within the next week to review the direction provided in Adjustments to Handling Serious Wrongdoing in the Congregation.
1. Midweek Meeting Part on 2024 Governing Body Update #2: The video 2024 Govern- ing Body Update #2 should be played the week of March 18, 2024, in place of the 15-minute part “Use Creation to Build Your Faith.” If the video cannot be shown to the congregation the week of March 18 because of unusual circumstances, the video should be played the week of March 25 in place of the 15-minute local needs part. The timing of the Congregation Bible Study should be reduced as needed.
March 15, 2024
1. 2024 Governing Body Update #2: The video 2024 Governing Body Update #2, which was released on on March 15, 2024, includes the following announcement: “The Gov- erning Body has decided that sisters may choose to wear slacks when participating in the ministry and when attending Christian meetings, assemblies, and conventions. If a sister chooses to wear slacks on such occasions, they should not be casual, but dignified, modest, and appropriate. When a sister has a part on the program, she should wear a skirt or a dress if that is the standard of dress in that land. Of course, some sisters may choose to wear a skirt or a dress even when they do not have a part on the program.
2. “In addition, brothers may choose not to wear a tie or a jacket when participating in the ministry and when attending Christian meetings, assemblies, and conventions. If a brother chooses not to wear a tie or a jacket on such occasions, he should dress in a manner that is appropriate, modest, and dignified—not casual. When a brother has a part on the pro- gram, he should wear a tie and a jacket if that is the standard of dress in that land. Of course, some brothers may choose to wear a tie or a jacket even when they do not have a part on the program.
3. “When visiting Bethel, it would be appropriate for brothers to wear a tie and a jacket and for sisters to wear a skirt or a dress if that is the standard of dress in that land.”
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